People FirstUSI support is a game-changer!
People First Empowered by USI (Urban Strategies, Inc.) is successfully supporting the residents of Tidewater Gardens throughout the redevelopment of the community. The City of Norfolk is investing $3 million each year to ensure residents who choose to participate have the tools they need to succeed now and into the future.
2023-2024 Highlights
577 former Tidewater Gardens households and 1,546 individuals received family support services from People First
of households enrolled with People First are eligible for Right to Return
As of June 30, 2024 510 of 570 families report being in good standing with their property manager/landlord
508 of our adult participants report feeling safe in their home
were gained between July 1, 2023 – June 30, 2024
of target residents aged 18-64 reported receiving wage income
was the average annual income of target households – excluding those unable to work due to age or disability
at the close of the year 5 (June 30,2024), was the average household income

Building success.
One resident at a time.
People FirstUSI offers customized support to fit the needs of each family through four service pillars: Housing Stability, Economic Mobility, Education, and Health and Wellness. This is achieved through a strong network of committed service providers.
See Our Partners
Your People FirstUSI team is committed to quality outcomes.
The local People FirstUSI team is made up of “change leaders” who are personally committed to creating good outcomes for residents of communities undergoing revitalization, and to empowering the families that live within them. The team works with the City and the Norfolk Redevelopment and Housing Authority as well as partnering organizations, developers, property managers, community members and other stakeholders to build comprehensive plans around neighborhood conditions and human-service needs, always putting people first.
People First Team – Norfolk Site

About Urban Strategies, Inc.

Founded in 1978 and based in St. Louis, Missouri, USI is a leader in the field of community development, currently supporting more than 30,000 low- to moderate-income families in 39 communities nationwide. The organization develops economic opportunities, cradle-to-college/career success initiatives, access to high-quality health services, and a range of other people-directed services while working with developers to create new physical facilities with amenities that ensure children and families are stable and thriving.
Getting Started is Easy!
Call People FirstUSI at
(757) 390-4625
Visit the Main Office at
259 Granby Street, Suite 300
Weekdays 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Send us a message now!